A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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The game was created in a week and a half as a university project.

I was inspired by:

  • The fact that the Soviet Union existed;
  • Zelda, especially its funny translation:
  • Local Russian meme Lenin -- grib which means Lenin is a mushroom (Lenin is the guy behind turning Russia into USSR);
  • And lastly the fact that in Mario world coins are mushrooms: youtu.be/T7fnDAwWk5E?t=473

I hope you'll enjoy!

By the way, if you are using Linux in order to play this game you need to install SDL and some of its modules. If your distributive is based on Debian you can do it running the following:

sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0 libsd2-mixer-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0

Source code: github.com/aversey/takethis


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

takethis_windows.zip 15 MB
takethis_linux.zip 7.6 MB
takethis.zip 15 MB

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